Articles on PSD-to-HTML conversion

HTML5 - The End of PSD to HTML Services
Or Just The Beginning of PSD to HTML5?

In 2009 the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) decided to concentrate their efforts on HTML5, a new revision of HTML, rather than XHTML2. HTML5 is strongly supported by Apple, Opera, Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and other leading IT companies and web browser developers. All this means that HTML5 is becoming a mainstream of the Internet.

HTML5 - The end of PSD to HTML services or just the beginning of PSD to HTML5?

Among peculiarities of HTML5 there are backwards compatibility and forbearing error handling. In other words, with HTML5 websites written in the previous versions of HTML/XHTML-CSS will not need an urgent update to be correctly displayed by even the most modern browsers.

Now the main question for PSD to HTML providers is:

Doesn't this all indicate that PSD-to-HTML services will lose their importance?

Really, markup coding companies declare "Code compliance with the latest W3C standards" as one of the main promises and advantages, but with HTML5 there will be no need in such a strict validity.

We believe that in the era of HTML5 the role of the professional PSD-to-HTML conversion will only increase.

Firstly, backwards compatibility and tolerance in error handling absolutely don't imply indulgence towards and support of an ugly – unformatted and unstructured, garbage, hard to understand and maintain, and so forth – HTML/CSS code.

Secondly, HTML5 puts special emphasis on semantics and document structure and introduces a number of new "semantic" tags. The aim is to make the Internet more understandable and transparent both for people and search engine robots. A benefit for website owners is that the more correct search engines interpret and assess a website content, the higher the website is ranked, targeted and, as a result, more visible to its audience.

Proliferation of the best HTML/CSS coding practices and web standards is and will always be among core tasks of professional conversion services and the main reasons for designers to use them. And the new markup standard HTML5 strengthens this role even more.

One more important question is

Will the PSD-to-HTML services remain the same in the era of HTML5?

Our answer is "No".

Let's compare the Internet in 1990s and now – it is like apples and oranges:

1990s: In the early 1990s typical Web pages were written in the so-called academic style: it was a simple text decorated with the help of <h1-4>, <b>, <i>, <ul>/<ol> tags and a couple of images; technologies – HTML.
Then more advanced approaches emerged: table-based websites with distinctive design and color palettes (now they are usually described as obsolete); basic technologies – HTML/CSS plus some JavaScript.


2010: The Internet is presented with stylish, poly-functional and usable websites with strong interactivity, interoperability, and built-in multimedia components and social media connection; technologies – XHTML/CSS2, XML, AJAX, open source CMS (content management systems) and blog platforms, etc.

The Web and PSD to HTML conversion in 1990s and 2010

It is quite clear that HTML coding for the Web of 1990s and 2010 requires different sets of skills and even different sense of beauty and good design. HTML5 could be a solid background for a new qualitative leap of the Web too.

HTML5 is developed not only as a theoretical platform. First of all it is a generalization of the 20-year hands-on Web practice and is conceived as a flexible tool for building the Web – as we know it now and as it could be in the near future. It is very likely that the companies which have taken part in the HTML5 creation (just remember the list – Apple, Opera, Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, etc.) are trying to add possibilities to realize new advanced features including those that are only in their innovation laboratories now.

That is why HTML5 will strongly influence the PSD-to-HTML services and stimulate a new level of:

  • HTML and CSS technical expertise;
  • Understanding of web semantics;
  • Skills to integrate multimedia and social media components/channels;
  • Usability and website look and feel.

As a result, one may predict appearance of specific PSD to HTML5 conversion and

  • Deeper differentiation between design, HTML coding and other segments of the web development industry;
  • More emphasis on new development platforms and CMS including cloud platforms, social media, etc.;
  • Stronger specialization of markup development companies;
  • More exacting requirements to coder training and quality assurance.

Whether HTML5 will be the end of PSD-to-HTML or just the beginning of essentially new PSD to HTML5 services – time will show. However, what is absolutely clear now is that there will be a lot of exciting work for all of us – designers, HTML coders, and back-end programmers.

About the Author is a PSD to HTML/CSS and PSD-to-WordPress/Joomla company that has helped a lot of designers and web companies to save time and money on conversion their designs into perfect HTML/CSS markups.

September 28, 2010

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See also the video "PSD to HTML 2010":

Read other articles:

1. Mobile opportunities of PSD to HTML5 CSS3 conversion
2. How to get the most out of PSD-to-HTML/CSS slicing services
3. PSD to HTML/CSS conversion market - A year later

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It's my third order this month - two psd to xhtml/css conversions and now a WP theme. I'm definitely impressed. You guys rock!

Doug Green, USA

You guys did a great job, it fits well on low resolutions and is accordingly to the design. Thanks!


Really great! The code is clear, transparent - I'd say elegant. And it's delivered on time. Thank you!

Greg Hammer, Australia

Wow, they're fantastic. Thanks a lot! You're the best ;)


You offer a great service – saved me a fair bit of time not having to do the HTML cutting myself. I plan to use you again for certain.

Jean St-Amand

"I would like to say that I was particularly happy to work with you, and very positively surprised by the quality of your work and your reactivity. I will for sure work with you again in the future, and advice my contacts/network to work with you. Olivier, France

Olivier Caussin

Excellent, thank you very much for the speedy service. Much appreciated.


I have to tell you how happy I am to have found your service! You've made my business just that much better!

Wilma Weisz

PERFECT! If I have anything else come up I'll be sure to send it your way again.

Mark Schneider

Wow, super fast service and everything looks great. I'll be using your service again!


I think the work was excellent and we will be using you again for future projects. Thank you for rushing the project and working with our crazy deadline.

Benjamin Wilson

Je conseille à tous de travailler avec HTMLCut. Rapide, techniquement parfait, et très réactif à toutes mes demandes. J’ai fait appel à eux plusieurs fois en juin 2009, la première fois pour une page de test, puis rassuré, pour plusieurs pages successives. Rien à redire, n’hésitez pas…

Olivier Caussin

W3C validator

Validator HTML 5 Validator CSS 3

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